Ann Troe
For graphic designer and licensed artist Ann Troe art is,
well, what she’s always done!
Like many other artists, there’s never been a time she hasn’t wanted to craft and make. It’s long been her activity of choice.
“My mom smiles when she reminds me that I wouldn't put down my first box of crayons,” she says. “Creating is my favorite thing to do!”
CheckAdvantage is proud to present select works from Ann Troe on our checks, address labels, and checkbook covers as part of our Licensed Artist Series.
Ann’s style is playful and fresh. If you’re not taken in by its upbeat nature, you’re sure to love its passion for whimsy.
Acrylic paint and palette knife are Ann Troe’s favored tools when it comes to making her colorful designs, but that hasn’t always been the case.
When she began, she used colored pencils and soon moved to watercolors. No matter what she does, it always starts with a doodle. She loves jumping style to keep it exciting and new.
“I like to change mediums. Keeps me fresh and challenged,” she says.
Shopping is where Ann comes up with the bulk of her ideas–she says she drives her family crazy stopping to look at art on products, patterns, you name it.
Aside from art, her favorite things include: mashed potatoes and gravy, chocolate, sports (golf in particular), and a yellow VW Bug Driver.
All in all, she hopes her art lifts people’s spirits. Her passion for the medium is boundless and she wants others feel she is waving hello to them with a big smile.
“Art makes me tick. I am an artist, illustrator and graphic designer,” she says on her website. “A business owner for 15+ years.”
To see more of Ann Troe’s work, check out her website at Like her Facebook Page AnniesDoodlebugz for the latest designs and updates.