Donna Downey

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You could say Donna Downey owes much of her success as an artist to children.

While many artists get the irresistible urge to create when they are young, Donna Downey says her journey started after she became a mother.  She began scrapbooking so that she could illustrate memories of her three blonde-haired kids in a unique way.

Downey soon discovered scrapbooking was much more than just a hobby. Today she is a best-selling author, popular art instructor and a celebrated mixed-media artist.

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Besides the impact her own kids had on her art, Downey's previous work teaching elementary school children was also an important influence. "I started my career as a schoolteacher and would always love creating the bulletin boards for my class," she says.

Downey's passion for teaching did not fade when her career as an artist exploded over the last decade. She combines the joy of teaching with the thrill of creating. Downey brings the freedom of expression found in arts and crafts to women around the world through workshops and her writing. In turn, working with aspiring artists helps keep her own projects fresh while breeding new ideas.

She has been a columnist for Simple Scrapbooks magazine and has her own line of mixed-media, scrapbooking products. She hopes her artwork and teaching encourage other women to take on the challenge of discovering the artist inside them.

Downey finds inspiration in simple moments throughout the day. That's why she thinks scrapbooks and art journals are perfect ways to express yourself artistically.

"All things material can be creatively transformed into a personal piece of artistic interpretation. That creativity is not a measure of skill, but a passion," Downey says.

You can find out more about the artwork of Donna Downey, as well as her books, classes and product line when you visit You can also check out her blog and follow her on Facebook.