Cute Checkbook Covers
Too Cute to Resist
So you've found an absolutely adorable set of personal checks. Now what will you do with them? Hide them in the depths of your purse, or the darkness of some desk drawer? Instead - show them off!
The last thing you want is to stick your new checks in a boring checkbook cover. Why not choose something with more personality? Better yet - choose something that has the same sweet style as the unique personal checks and address labels you order from CheckAdvantage.
Available in either cloth or leather, each of these covers matches a specific set of our Cute Personal Checks and labels. That means you can triple the cuteness with three matching products! But if it's too tough to make a decision, spread the fun around with a different cute look on each one.
Besides being cute, your new checkbook cover is also convenient. Protect your checks from damage when you're out and about. Plus, inside you'll find a duplicate writing shield and slots for credit cards.
Order your new custom checkbook cover today! Free shipping is available on all personal checks, labels and covers.