Laura Barbosa
Laura cannot remember a time when her hand did not a hold a pencil
or some tool to paint with. What began as sketching and drawing in her
childhood, soon blossomed into a lifelong pursuit.
During her high school years, she opened up an under the table, custom sweatshirt business using fabric paints and airbrushing techniques.
By the time she left for college, she painted huge wall murals for neighbors and friends, cementing her passion in art.
“Art is who I am, what I’m made of and what my future holds,” Laura says.
CheckAdvantage is proud to present select works from Laura Barbosa on checks, address labels, and checkbook covers as part of our licensed artist series.
Laura went through an evolution with her materials beginning with lead pencils and soon moving on to colored pencils, crayons, melted wax, airbrushing, and oil paints. Today, she uses mainly acrylics and ink to finish her work, though she does occasionally work in plaster.
Though you may see the skulls and dark colors of her pieces and think the images macabre, Laura’s art does not come from a place of sadness. When creates, she is in her own world. A place where is she calm and surrounded by love.
There’s no question that her end result is striking. It doesn’t stick to any one style, but she says others have described it as, “An embarrassment of riches in a colorful world of subconscious thinking.” It is rich in color and rewards the viewer with a wealth of detail.
"My Paintings convey my individuality, spontaneous thoughts and ideas,” Laura says. “It is like a journey into the deepest corner of my mind.”
Laura says inspiration can strike her anywhere. She has a mind and eyes like sponges that are constantly taking in everything and altering them to suit her needs.
When ideas do strike, Laura is ready to pounce on them. She carries a sketchbook with her at all times and even has a bedside journal to help her tap into her dreams.
“I have 3 cases of sketchbooks and journals with ideas. There will be no way in my lifetime to complete all the art I want to do,” she says.
To see more of Laura’s art and order prints, visit her website at You can also Like her Facebook page, The Art of Laura Barbosa.