Pattern & Texture Side Tear Checks

An Olio of Originality!

If you're a crossword lover, you know the word "olio" refers to a "mixed bag," which is why we chose it to describe our extensive collection of Pattern & Texture Side Tear Checks. What you'll find here truly is an olio of originality!

Here at CheckAdvantage, we've been keeping our designers busy playing with repetitive prints like those on our Argyle, Fleur de Lis and Picnic Plaid Checks.

But don't think symmetry is all we're about. Browse this section long enough and you'll find plenty of less-predictable patterns, too!

If you think we're kidding, just take a peek at our Scattered Squares, Extruded Blocks or Curved Line selections. You won't expect what you'll see, we're pretty sure of that!

So go ahead—choose your new Pattern & Texture Side Tear Checks today!