Side Tear Checks

Quick, Convenient and Hassle-Free!

If you're tired of top-tear checks that rip in the wrong place when you separate them from the pad, we have good news. Now you can order any of CheckAdvantage's 1,600+ personal check designs in our handy side-tear format, too!

CheckAdvantage Side Tear Checks will make your life a little easier. That's because their short, left-side perforation makes for a quick, clean, trouble-free tear -- without accidental rips!

And if you're worried about your new side-tear checks fitting into your old checkbook cover, don't be. We offer an affordable Side Tear Checkbook Cover Converter that'll work with your existing checkbook, or you can choose a Black Leather Side Tear Checkbook Cover to give your pocketbook a luxurious new look and feel. Either way, we've got you covered!

Browse our entire selection of CheckAdvantage Side Tear Checks and personalize your favorites today!

Why buy from CheckAdvantage? The best reason just might be our Guarantee. Find out why you don't have to worry about making mistakes and losing money.